Student suspended for politely holding door open
Student suspended for politely holding door open
Student suspended for politely holding door open
Cory Doctorow at 11:12 AM Wednesday, Mar 2, 2011
An “A” student at a Virginia middle school was given a one-day suspension for holding open a door for a known adult who had her hands full. This violated the school security policy, which holds that the doors may only be opened centrally after visitors are vetted by a CCTV camera. Superintendant Charles Turner explained, “You have to have a system, and that system has to be consistent. We have to stay within the rules and stay secure.”
But as Lenore Skenazy writes on the Free Range Kids blog, “what the school fails to understand is that the student was an even BETTER security system! The student has a heart, a brain and hands. This incredible carbon-based security system can open the door when that makes sense!”
Middle school student suspended for opening door (via Free Range Kids)According to an anonymous e-mail sent to The Tidewater News, the “A” student opened the door for a woman he knew, who had her hands full. The e-mail also indicated the student received a one-day, out-of-school suspension.
Smith said he could not confirm the story for confidentiality reasons. Superintendent Charles Turner said he did not know all the details behind the suspension.
Turner said the policy that prohibits anyone from opening doors was part of making the security system work.
(Image: coin school doors, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from pandora_6666’s photostream)
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